
Monthly Meetings

Our general meetings are the third Monday of every other month at the Saturn Club. Please check the EVENTS listing to confirm dates.


Summer Picnic

Catch up with your neighbors. Free for all current members and their families!


Winter Social

Members and friends welcome the holiday season with food and drink.


Yard Sale

Join your neighbors in our annual street-long sale.


Neighborhood Beautification

Two street-long cleanups are held in the spring and fall every year. Come join your neighbors in cleaning up debris. Bring your own gloves, a few trash bags, and anything else you might need. In addition, the Block Captains regularly patrol their blocks to pick up trash and keep Linwood Avenue looking beautiful.


Historic Linwood Home Tour

Share in Linwood's 150 year history! Every two years, we invite the world to come see what you already know, what a wonderful neighborhood we live in. 


Problem Properties

We have been ramping up our efforts help the city to reign in anti-social behavior by property owners, where they fail to follow city historic or "quality of life" codes. We ask you to join in these activities -- the City has encouraged us to raise our voices when these situations arise. Please send property complaints to, and to act, use the online "311 System" or phone the Mayor's Hotline (851-4890).